I was at a talk at Waterstone’s. There was an author speaking about her book. Unfortunately I have forgotten her name and although I have tried I cannot track it.
But she said something profound that gave me an AHA moment that I will not forget. She said:
“I believe that there is a possibility that we may become addicted to regret”.
This simple statement pulled me up short. How often am I told to look ahead to where I am going? How often instead do I look behind. Can I have enough control to move beyond addiction to regret? I think so!! And I hope so. Would it be so impossible for me to become ‘addicted’ to Joy? I think not!
Here is CB’s reading for today:
“Within all that you navigate recognise lovingkindness practiced towards oneself also enables lovingkindness to be directed towards others”
Indeed ! Wishing you joyousness light as we move towards the shortest day.
With love Wendy.x