🎄 Today (thanks to Alice & Katie) Watkins Books included a Gift of an Angel as part of their window display: Immense Gratitude: Thank You: Thank You; Thank You.
🎄 For London Xmas Tree Lights: Thank You: Thank You: Thank You.
🎄 The 172 bus brought me seamlessly to work: Thank You: Thank You: Thank You.
🍂 For love: Thank You: Thank You; Thank You.
🌞 For the beauty of the day: Thank You; Thank You; Thank You.
🍂 Today a piece of eudialyte came my way. It feels to be a powerful stone; balancing my Green Stone: Sky to Earth: Thank You: Thank You: Thank You.
🌰 Although I have not seen that many clients today in Watkins the readings have been profound: For the ability to channel; Thank You: Thank You: Thank You.
🍂 For the support and kindness of colleagues in Watkins: Thank You: Thank you; Thank You.
😓 Today I passed people sleeping in doorways. Immense sadness and gratitude (for my roof & bed). Thank You: Thank You : Thank you.
❤️ For happiness and the dance of the day: Thank You: Thank You: Thank You.
And here is an angel reading for the day: Its short and sweet ” Observe sharply: Indeed your blessings are many”